Carlton House, Tunbridge Wells
After having previous experience with another local managing agent, the Board of Directors contacted Oakfield in late 2020 to explore new possibilities and seeking to make a positive change for the Building.
Oakfield were delighted to be contacted by a potential client from Tunbridge Wells and were happy to receive the opportunity to present possible services.

After going up against other local agents, Oakfield were successful in taking over management of Carlton House in February 2021. Whilst offering a full managed service for Carlton House, the service has become more tailored over time to take the roll of supporting the Board of Directors, working in partnership, rather than acting on their behalf.
Being a beautifully presented property, Oakfield take pride in working alongside the Board of Directors to continue to keep the Building as its highest standard and preparing future cyclical maintenance for the forth coming years. In recent months, planning has begun for the external redecoration and associated repairs of the Building, ensuring the line of communication is open, Oakfield have been working closely with the Board of Directors to prepare a 5 year maintenance plan offering advice on how to budget future expenditure whilst meeting the terms of the leases.
Tailoring a service to act as a partnership is something Oakfield take pride in achieving for our clients and we are always looking to develop and grow our service to suit more clients.