What is the TPI?

The Property Institute (TPI) is a not-for-profit, member-led organisation which resulted from a merger of The Association of Residential Managing Agents (ARMA) and the Institute of Residential Property Management (IRPM), with the two organisations coming together in March 2022.

TPI is a professional body for residential property managers, comprising some 6,000 individual members plus more than 320 company members. It draws on combined expertise extending across more than five decades, as a unified force committed to raising standards and improving the lives of millions of residents and tenants.

One of its predecessors, ARMA, was set up in 1991 to bring together companies which worked in private residential block management. It quickly established itself as the leading professional body of its kind. Meanwhile for its part, the IRPM, launched more than two decades ago in 2002, was the professional body for residential property management specialists and provided accredited qualifications, careers advice and resources to support property managers.

Both previous organisations worked closely with government and the property industry more broadly, and helped to shape key elements of legislation to make them realistic and achievable for their members. At the same time, ARMA and IPRM have championed the mental health of those working in the sector.

In the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster, which threw historic built-environment failings into stark relief, both bodies played a key role in devising the resulting building safety regime. (The Hackitt review which followed the tragedy brought about significant change in the management of buildings.)

And the new building legislation, and therefore the safety of residents, is now a sector-wide responsibility. So TPI members have a vital part to play in keep residents safe, both now and in the years to come.

Essentially, the creation of the new body, representing both individuals and companies, was the logical next stage. It has meant that all members have benefited from the expertise, training, advice and support they had depended on before, while having a stronger voice.

Today, TPI accounts for a substantial section of the sector, and continues to work with the government on behalf of its members, so that they can implement new legislation on behalf of all their own clients and residents.

It says: “We believe a professionalised sector is the best way of delivering the new safety regime and of meeting the industry’s expectations.”

The benefits of membership

  • TPI members represent the ‘gold standard’ of professional practitioners and operators in the residential property management sector across England, Wales and Scotland.
  • The organisation’s commitment to improving standards sector-wide gives it a trusted, credible voice and means it can make a real difference to members, their clients and residents.
  • The TPI sets professional accreditations and standards, while members are bound to the organisation’s Code of Conduct.
  • Its experts are on hand to respond to any technical questions you may have.
  • The body offers resources and guidance so members build their skills and knowledge and remain up to date with all the latest sector developments, alongside excellent access to relevant training.
  • Members have their own community, and are regularly invited to events.
  • The TPI provides auditing of members’ key business functions.
  • It also offers tailored pathways for members’ personal career development plans.

Oakfield says

In common with other TPI members, at well-established independent estate agency Oakfield we have voluntarily committed ourselves to upholding the body’s standards and Code of Conduct, as well as its consumer charter.

And we believe the organisation’s support is particularly invaluable and necessary in the absence (perhaps surprisingly) of any government regulation of residential property management.

We’re confident our membership underscores our own commitment to leadership and excellence in block management, and enhances our standing in the sector. And, as members, we have a voice in forming relevant policies and standards which benefit our clients and communities. So we can actively help bring about innovative change in the industry.

It’s a promise to those we work with that we will continue to work tirelessly towards the highest standards in block management. And we believe our efforts as a TPI representative help to build strong foundations to improve homes, and to have a positive social impact.

So we’re proud Property Institute members, and firmly believe that memberships enhances our block management services immeasurably. Having been established in the mid-1990s, we work across East Sussex, to manage residential blocks and estates, varying in size from two to 70 units. In all, we manage more than 900 leasehold properties.

And we can work with you whether you’re an investment landlord, residents’ management or right-to-manage company. We have offices across Bexhill-on-Sea, Eastbourne, Hastings, Heathfield, Uckfield and Lewes. Meanwhile, our head office in St Leonards provides a centralised hub for our property and block management and accounts teams.

Get in touch today to learn more about what we could do to improve the lives of your residents.